My Earthly Family: ALL! I hope this blog is helpful to you. I hope too that it’s existence is spread around our Earth Mother.
It will Always be each of you who will join and help our fellowman….or laugh…or ignore.
Those that DO “hear”….please understand the need…the DESPERATE NEED….to connect IN HIM.
It may not be easy to meet one-on-one with others “In Like Mind”, but we CAN, in Spirit of Spirit Love.
Tho one may not “meet” (physically), KNOW we of this Oneness are NOT ALONE. Others, like you (“hearers”) ARE ACTIVE. “Doers”, Lonely, but trying to Grow in Him…..”alone”.
IN HIM we are NEVER “ALONE”! Have Faith and have COURAGE and “Meet” in ONE MIND.
“He” is very much aware of you. VERY aware of your Compassion and Love for ALL. “HE” KNOWS YOU.  Aho?
Your Brother….red elk
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