Electricity Out Is Campout Time!

Our electricity went off over several Counties. From Coast to PAST us (93 mi. inland to HERE). Out for a number of hours. CITIES / TOWNS / Etc. “DEAD”.
ALL our neighbors…ALL! in “panic mode.” WE tho, quite enjoying! WE HAVE WATER on hand….Candles….etc..
I’m sure some reading this OFTEN go through similar, and ARE prepared…but are YOU!???
We all headed to Adam’s Dome, lit the tiny wood stove and had a MARSHMALLOW ROAST. Sat in the glow of the stoves open air baffle and Had a BALL! Dogs with us as well. Meanwhile others unable to cook, have coffee, etc. Just MISERABLE!
Do NOT depend on SUMMER Electricity NOT going out…ALWAYS be READY. ALWAYS!!! re
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