Another Place for Cabin Advice
If any are interested in building a “get away” cabin on similar lines to my domes, you can go to Google SEARCH and type in:
Scroll down (past his CABIN Picture). SOME pictures of mine (#1) are there. Then begin reading the Comments. MANY ADVICES ARE THERE.
“Ghost” and I have become good friends. The interaction is very extensive. He has nearly completed his own cabin MADE OF SAND BAGS. FAR bigger then the 3 I’m doing. Has taken him a full year…ALONE!      QUITE INTERESTING!  Building it where illegals cross his land. Well within site of the Mexican Border in AZ. It’s like a FORT! AND extremely cool in their heat.
If you’d like to see more on mine, then go to:
RED ELK SPEAKS (The Tellings of a Medicine Man)
(aka previous posts on this blog. Check tags ‘dome’, ‘dome home’, ‘tribal living’, ‘Skydome’ and categories ‘dome home’, ‘Hobbit Hut’, and ‘Gnome Home’. – WS)
This has a lot of pictures of #1 and #2.  #3 (SkyDome) pics may be up by the time you look. Taken…just waiting to be put on by the taker. (past MY abilities!).  This is by far the largest. More a “home” than a semi-to-temporary (as are #1 and #2). Still, a SMALL “cabin”.
#1 cost me $350.00 TO THE PENNY. #2…TEN CENTS! #3 will be UNDER $200.00.
These prices do not include “fancying up” inside (furnishing / etc.).
Each almost all from Found / Given / Collected material (the reason I could build so cheaply).
It’s just a matter of keeping your eyes open and thinking differently (“Out Side The Box”).
BUILDING MATERIALSÂ are “Out There” for all, with these 2 things in mind.
I call these (others planned) because, as man progresses on the path they are on….YOU MAY BE LIVING IN ABODES LIKE THESE (Or your children).
I call this “The village of YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW”
YOU may never do as this, but YOU WILL KNOW IT CAN BE DONE.
Please take advantage of this knowledge. SHARE IT. PASS IT ON to friends / needy / homeless.
I “do” in the Old time-honored way of the ancient N.A. Elders ….. ALWAYS OTHERS FIRST
“Money have I none, but that that I DO have, I GIVE UNTO YOU”
I DO SO, FOR YOU! Aho?   red elk
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