Going Truly ‘Green’

We’ve “busted” our old piping under our kitchen sink. $$ lack = IMPROVISing is needed ‘til………….
I have an oval shaped plastic tool carrier. 2 compartments. One per side….carrying handle between.
Washed it, filled one side with dish soap water…the other side used to rinse. WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Even pots and pans and frying pans.
Bio-degradable soap and NATURAL Soap Weed isn’t in our area.
Was intending to use this in the domes. Thought it would “do”. Now have Proof of it! PTL!
I “trash” the water in the septic Leech Field. Can’t afford Bio-Degradable soap and NATURAL ‘Soap Weed’ isn’t available in our area.
Didn’t know such was even ‘THERE’?  LOTS we don’t know (myself included). My own “Indian Awareness” is forefront in my life, so I STUDY….and LOTS of study, at that. Wanna learn? Can you READ? Well, START READING, then Get OUT THERE and TEST!
You’ll both save $$ and Enjoy being OUTDOORS at the same time! Helps make LIFE less Stressful. THERAPEUTIC to your Inner Being.
While looking into NA “dish washing” ways of the Ancestors…look about our POT SCRUBBERS, too. HORSE TAIL “weeds”!
READ  HUNT TEST. “Dad” has ALWAYS provided. WHY DO YOU RELY ON EXPENSIVE Man-Done things?!! GB   re
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