The Dome Report: ‘Scaping Your Land

Not at all sure any here will be interested. As all know, I’m building a mini “hobbit hut.” I still have lots of “stuff” to go on and complete more…such as another hut with bathroom, etc.
Still, “stuff” about. HUGE STUMPS, STONES, etc. These I intend to incorporate into the wall of #2.
Our property here is DRY. Sage country. Water hard to come by. Aho?
I came across an article on a gal (landscape designer) in California. She too has “problems.” NOW DOESN’T! Has made a “Magical Meadow” by using rocks, etc. AND IT LOOKS GREAT!
She’s “right up my alley” in REASON of doing.
She DOES have water and now uses Far FAR LESS. Now a “backyard Paradise.”
With my mini in THIS type of setting….WOW! And I do NOT NEED water to do so. NOR the MONEY she used to do so. YOU CAN TOO!
When I started building I started with stone steps up the slope to the entry. WITH LANDSCAPING IN MIND, as I could.
Her doing on her land an INSPIRATION to me.
With SALVAGED Material and Time…if interested, YOU CAN TOO!
Due to water unavailability I long ago decided to “plant” Plastic “Flowers,” tucked here-n-there in stone “piles.” Wanting to turn a mystical area between Freeway and Side Road. Getting rid of the “junk” as I go. This li’l Earth Dome in “her” type “setting” will, in time BE DONE. (My intent anyway…and always has been). Aho?
Anyway,  if interested. GB  re
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