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There is a book that was written in the late 60’s, and publicly published by two publishers that discusses the reality of earth shifts  (its the crust that shifts, not the entire planet.  Its just as bad.)…before the CIA classified it and shut it away as much as they could.  Then a few years ago the CIA ‘sanitized’ (another term for redacted, but less messy-looking and obvious) and released 57 of the 232 pages, and you can download those pages on their website among all the other declassified documents there.  Its called ‘The Story of Adam and Eve: A History of Cataclysms’, and the pages released are the story of the last two cataclysms – Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden, and Noah.  And the proof of such that the author Chan Thomas gathered from varied sciences, histories, indigenous tales, pretty much everything they could get their hands on for 20 years.  Including shocking revelations about Genesis being FAR more accurate than people believe.  And how the ‘ice age’ didn’t happen like is currently thought.  Its frightening and really interesting in equal measure.

And its just ONE FOURTH of the information in that book.

If anyone out there happened to buy a copy before the CIA got a hold of it…its up to you what you do with it, but the world does need to know this story.


(if anyone is wondering what happened to me with regards to this blog…it wasn’t my path to continue, tho I seem to keep being un-removed from the blog’s admin list.  Red Elk left it to Heather to continue distributing his teachings.)

List of Recently Added New & Old Posts #1

These are posts made from his email list, which predates the blog…so they’re new to the blog as well.  If you’re wondering why the dome building posts begin when the main structure is already up, I no longer have the posts for the start of the original project, but I believe you can find posts about the beginning at Ghost32’s blog.   Terrible, cheesy titles are all me, tho! 😀

Even if you think you’ve read them already…some you haven’t, some you might have, and some are good to refresh your memory of.  I certainly picked up on things I forgot while re-editing them.

The Dome Report


The Dome Report: The Dollar Count

Amazing Freebie!

Gettin’ the Chill Out

Old Timey Hidey Holes

If All Is Your Mind Creation…Why Is Your Nagual Smacking You With It?

What Are YOUR ‘Bare Necessities?’


The Dome Report 2

The Dome Report 3

Believe Not a Word I Say…CHECK!  CHECK!  CHECK!

Let Nature Do Your Laundry

The Dome Report: Many Mighty Minis

On Paul

REALLY Looking at NATURE: The Eyes of the Ancients

Time to SHOW – Or Prove Your Unbelief

Let Nature Do Your Laundry 2

Vote Good, Vote GOD



The Difference Between GOD’S Church and MAN’S Church

Are You Sharing the ‘Gift’ of Fear?  Or the Gift of Courage?

Mitakuye Oyasin and the Tower [Part 1]  [Part 2]

The Dome Report: Another Small House Way

The Dome Report: ‘Scaping Your Land

I Dream of Boatin’

The Embrace of Trees

Kelp-ol of the Bells (yes, I couldn’t resist a bad pun!  BAD pun!)

God Gives, Man Reminds

The Rat and the Ladybug

To Know the Future, Learn the Past

Medicine Packrat

Parable of the Little Fat Chick

On Totems and Angels and ‘In Sanity’

Here There Be “Secrets!”

Here There Be More!

Comments have been disabled for 2 reasons – the length of time between their writing and now, and the fact that well, you know, we aren’t Red Elk and thus can not really answer for him.

More to come!


Blog News

I’m loading several new-to-the-blog posts in the back end here, most taken from his pre-blog mailing list in late 2009 to early 2010, and some that were previously on the blog but lost in the crashes.  Even tho they’re basically just a few months’ worth, Red Elk was PROLIFIC back then!  I’m editing them for reading comprehension before posting, but my brain still gets tired so it will still be a couple weeks.  One or two I’ll post as ‘New’ because they’re That Important; the rest will be dated according to their original dates.

I also just found out that all the links to the podcasts were *also* not restored, which means I’ll have to hunt them all down again in order to link them.  Right now just the Nov 2009 interview with Zeph Daniels has been restored.  Besides Prophecykeepers and Feet to the Fire, if anyone else knows of any interviews that are still online that we can link to, if you could comment with the link it would be much appreciated.

In other news, we are still working on what will be done with the various audio lessons.  His family does want to sell them, and it may be done through iTunes or one of the other services.


I’m Baaaaack…

–Whale Sister

The Sitch

Heather and Tenzing are still working on restoring the rest of the blog.  No ETA on when it will be back.

It also appears that all administrative updates were rolled back, so Adam is no longer an admin and everything is back to going through me.  I don’t mind – we’ll fix it all once things are repaired.  Just means my hiatus is a little shorter. 😉



I have not heard from Red Elk since the last post I made.  I suspect that the ETA for new posts will be a ways out, depending on how soon he gets someone to fix his computer.

In the meantime, I would strongly suggest re-reading the other posts and doing your own study and explorations online and off.  If you want to share your experiences and explorations, go ahead and comment right here.


Darn It…

Due to various viruses, etc, Red Elk’s computer is down until he finds someone who can come and work on it.  Neither Heather nor I are able to do so at this time.


Home Among the Trees

Here’s a ‘goody’ that may interest a number :  type in (search)  WATERBOXX  (2 Xs).  Rather fascinating Grow Plants / TREES “way”.
Not only that, but Side Bar related info a WORTHY look too.
One on Homes from Living Trees.  Something I’ve done in the ’60s.  Still there as far as I know.  Made from growing bent willows.  Made it for Christy as her own ‘private cabin In The Woods’.
Even given thought to doing “ditto” on our safe land…using very tall White Birch trees in a grove there.

Anyway, check these places out if you’re interested.

Remember, Willows and willow-related trees (Birch being one) means : SURFACE WATER.



Got a ‘comment’.  The sender telling a bit on his childhood days.  A fun read.  He mentioned KITE FLYING….now THERE’S something I know of!
I belong to the Kite Flyers Association.  Got ALOT of ‘em.  “Trains” (several on one line) / Controlled / Regular / Etc.

Sky and grandma like to go out in spring’s breeze and fly ‘em.  Seems there’s no age limit to the joy of “just dinging around in the breeze” with ‘em.

Some daring souls use ‘em to do some fantastic “shots” using a camera….HIGH UP shots of the “Below and All Around”.  See for yourself…visit KITE PHOTOGRAPHY on internet search.  Even tell how to rig up your camera.  COOL! (Some go ‘house-to-house’ and people pay ‘em for pics of their land / place “from Above”).

My VERY FAVORITE is KITE FISHING!  Gotta teach Sky this one yet.
I’ve used a tiny kite to “slide” my lure down the ‘wind shoot’ of the Yakima river…after trout along too bushy areas to fish from immediate shore.  VERY Effective!  Used this to go almost a 4th of a mile away shore on ponds nearby.  Flew to the other side, released my rigged hook, and slowly troll back.  No need for a boat.  EQUALLY Successful!
To get the kite past YOUR shoreline can be a hassle….so I use 2 poles.  One for kite (and leave That up)…#2 for fishing.  This way I don’t have to constantly try to launch the kite…just pull Kite Line in to rehook (enough string beyond that to keep the kite still up).

Another way of fishing is By FAR my most enjoyable way :  Face Mask / Snorkel / Fins / Innertube with bait line and Fish “Keep” line tied to me….and LAMINATED Fishing License….CARRIED WITH ME (This has saved me TWICE from ‘illegal’ fishing).
Swim out, look below for the fish AND SIZE you want….lower your OLD rod (and OLD Reel), baited, to the fish.  Tease ‘em / Anger ‘em…and WHAM…”FISH ON!”   Really LARGE(er) ones CAN GIVE YOU A “Nantookit” Sleigh Ride!
When I do this type fishing, I’ve YET to come back “skunked” and ALWAYS WITH MY FULL LIMIT! (Much to the anger of jealous others, fishing)
Don’t forget to put a DIVER’S Flag on your tube if in a lake with boats about.  Aho?

I’ve done unusual things in my life.  If its not dangerous and looks like fun and looks like I’m capable of trying things out…I GIVE IT A GO!

Hope this “whets” some appetites.  Boys / Girls / Moms / Dads or Grandparents : GO HAVE SOME FUN!

Life is Too SHORT to be just filled with “worries”.  Aho?     Re


Ok, finally getting Emails again.  LOTS.  Trying to catch up.
Notice one on “battling” (the “bad” guys).

Over the years I’ve heard several on this line.


Those who “BATTLE” are FEARFUL…thinking “Maybe”.  THAT’S NOT A TRUE GOD WARROR!

I DON’T “go in” ALONE!  And KNOW IT!  I mean I     K  N  O  W !!!     it   Aho?

No matter the number or the shape…THEY COME AT ME with FEAR in THEM!

I’ve NEVER had to “turn tail”….but They,  ALL OF THEM,  do!


‘Til YOU can do “battle” with HIS LOVE IN YOU and HE IN YOU….when it’s Already a “GIVEN”…THEY LOSE BEFORE THEY EVEN COME AT YOU!

Until you LEARN this…YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!   Aho?

(I’m aware I’m sounding “cocky”.  Trying to explain, and TRUTHFULLY, WOULD sound so.  No, not cocky, just FIRM in KNOWING!  You MUST “go” in ABSOLUTE   AGAPE  L O V E ! WithOUT WAVERING!)   Aho?  Re
